Creative Directors: Teressa Iezzi and Sophie Forman | Executive Producer: Sherri Levy | Director: Goh Iromoto
Production: Sanctuary Content | Line Producer: Pete Vitale | DOP: Alexis Zabe | Production Designer: Chris Jones
Editorial: Cartel | Editor: Sophia Lou | Color: Royal Muster | Colorist: Greg Reese| Online: Transformer | Audio: Soundlounge | Mixer: Tom Jucarone
Music: Lee Fields “Forever” | Music Supervision: Good Ear Music Supervision
Animal Trainer Co: Worldwide Movie Animals | Head Animal Trainer: Kimberly Andrews | Casting: Sonnenberg Casting
Cast (human): Maurielle Chapman, Sofia Salvaggio, Maasai Godwin, Cyann Ribeiro, Tripp Hazard, Lennon Meredith Epand, Sophia Grace Lee
Cast (with paws): Wayne, Sammy, Princess, Bolt, and Blue
Forever — Extended Cut
Forever — Director’s Cut
Forever — Case Study
Forever — Vimeo Interview
Teasers helped build anticipation for our Super Bowl ad, and introduce the nation to Ava and Bear. Below are our general teaser, as well as a puppy-themed teaser spot created for the Puppy Bowl.
Forever — General Teaser
Forever — Puppy Bowl Teaser
Additional :30, :15, and :06 second cuts ran throughout broadcast, streaming, and social. Below is an example of a “vignette” cut that expanded one scene in the film to tell a richer complete story about Ava and Bear’s life together.
Forever — Beach Social Short